
German Engineering & Know-How


German Engineering & Know-How

connect is a German print and online magazine dedicated to reviewing telecommunication products and services. To feed the interest of its highly knowledgable audience, connect runs its own measurement laboratory Testlab, which has costs far beyond 2 million Euros per year. With the ability to measure radio performance, speech quality, display fidelity, battery life and more, connect's reviews are based on verifiable facts and instead of the guesswork often found in technical journalism.

All measurement and review results are stored in an extensive product database. This enables connect to conduct fact-driven comparisons between competing smartphones, tablets, notebooks and many more types of products. Additionally, connect and its partner umlaut conduct a highly acclaimed annual mobile network test in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and additional countries to distinguish the best operators from the rest and to document advances in mobile network performance.   


Mobile Network

Mobile Network


If you want to choose the best performing operator in your country or if you want to compare the operators of your country to those of other parts of the world, you don't have to look any further. Umlaut and connect are the leading specialists in mobile network testing for more than fifteen years and have established a widely accepted standard to judge speech quality, stability and data speed. Just take a look at the most important mobile network tests. 





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Testlab is the measurement laboratory of WEKA Media Publishing, the publishing house of connect. Testlab is specialised in all kinds of telecommunication measurements as well as audio, video and camera measurements. Testlab is equipped with an anechoic chamber, a shielded room and test equipment from Rohde & Schwarz, BrĂ¼el & Kjaer, Audio Precision, Head Acoustics, Image Engineering, Autronic-Melchers, Fluke and many others. When you want to know how your equipment fairs against the competition, Testlab is the place to ask. Whether you like to have a product check, a product test, a product competition analysis or a usability check/FFU, we are ready to serve your needs. And if you would like to know, how your product or service is received by the public, FifT is the institute to do the market research for you.