Test/Certification Branches — CONNECT-TESTLAB.com


Testlab has a long history in testing telecommunication equipment. With test sites for over-the-air-measurements (TIS/TRP), endurance/battery power, display quality, speech quality (distortion, frequency response, noise, TOSQA, Triquest) Testlab can measure smartphones, wireless phones and a lot of other telecommunication devices. With our market research FiFT we can also put telecommunication services on the test bench. If you are not sure if we cover your device, accessory or service, feel free to contact us. 


Consumer Electronics

Testlab is especially strong in measuring consumer electronic products. With an anechoic half room we can measure loudspeakers under free field, ground plane and near field conditions. This includes wired and bluetooth active and passive loudspeaker, whether they are full range, subwoofer, satellites or sound bars. For amplifiers we have a self-developed test site, where we can test up to 8 channels with loads from 1 to 8 Ohm and phase shifts from - to +60 degree. Our stabilized mains supply stays at 115/230 Volts (50/60 Hz) from 0 to 3200 Watts within a fraction of a Volt. We can measure and test steamers, CD/DVD/blu-ray/HD-Players and amps for headphones, stereo, surround and cars. We even have a dedicated test site for turntables, tone arms and cartridges. 



Information Technology

Besides telecommunications and consumer electronics IT is another important pillar for Testlab. We have expertise in testing Tablets and notebooks from performance, to battery power, display quality and more. In collaboration with our colleagues from PC Magazine and PC go we can also take care of desktop PCs, printers, routers, access points, graphic boards, keyboards and mice.




Excellent picture quality of the built-in camera can be a major source of enjoyment for smartphone users. To discern the good from the rest we have invested in specialized equipment from the world renowned Germans picture quality specialist Image Engineering. If you want to know how your smartphone or compact camera fairs against the competition, don't hesitate to contact us.



Accessory business is faced with a lot of competition and little help for the customer to make an informed choice. If you are a manufacturer of above the average accessories like battery packs, display protectors, smartphone covers, chargers, memory cards, hard drives, wired and wireless headphones, headsets, smart watches, fitness trackers or what else, we should get in touch. Because we can prove and testify your advantage over the competition. And our seals will be your benefit at the point of sale.