Aside some smaller differences, the crowdsourcing results confirm those of our drivetests and walktests.
The results of our crowdsourcing analyses indicate a small lead for A1, but T-Mobile also does well in the category. The determined coverage is high for both operators just mentioned, as expected. However, Hutchison/Three falls distincly behind in the coverage with all data services as well as in 4G/LTE.
On the other hand, Three leads when it comes to the data speeds identified for each evaluation area and for each participating user, followed by A1 and, at some distance, T-Mobile. All in all, these values are on a high level.
T-Mobile misses an overall win in the crowd assessment especially due to the evaluation of data service availabilty. For this examination, we have considered the six month period from May to October 2018, divergent from the observation period of the drive and walktests ranging from August to October.
A total of nine hours of recognized degradations in July and three in October cost T-Mobile valuable points.
Single Review
This year, the winner in Austria is T-Mobile. It is particularly noteworthy that this operator managed to fight its way to the top rank in this year, starting from the third rank in the previous year. This pull-up succeeds especially due to clearly improved results in the voice discipline. Arithmetically, its very good result would equal a school grade of 1.2.
With a difference of seven points to this year‘s winner in Austria, A1 Telekom reaches the second rank only at a narrow distance. In the crowd assessment, A1 even takes the lead, the voice and data results both only score narrowly behind the winner. In smaller towns, this operator even closely leads before T-Mobile and a little more disctinct before Three. Its “very good“ grade equals a school grade of 1.2.
Compared to the previous year‘s results, Three shows a slight improvement in the voice and a slight degradation in the data discipline. The overall result is approximately on the same level as the one from last year. In the new crowd socre, Three loses a couple of points – particularly due to the determined 4G coverage. Still, its overall result is “very good“ with a school grade equivalent of 1.4