Note: Below you still find the 2021 Mobile Network Test DACH. The 2022 test will be updated here within a few days.
You can already download the 2022 PDF Versions in English or German in the Download section.
In the 27th year of our mobile network test, connect and their long time partner, umlaut, have once again taken the pulse of the mobile networks in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Even under normal circumstances there would have been more than enough innovations and special features to report about our annual mobile network test: for the first time 5G is part of the regular scope of measurement. The evaluation scheme of our crowdsourcing assessment, now for the third time part of the score, has been considerably enhanced. And the tested network operators continue to confirm that despite numerous alleged competitors in the market the mobile network test carried out by umlaut and connect is considered to be the most meaningful, methodologically and statistically robust and therefore by far the most serious exemplar of its kind in the industry.
But then came the Corona pandemic. And with it came the question of whether we would be able to carry out the tests as planned. In this context, it turned out to be very beneficial that umlaut constantly monitors the network quality and performance within the scope of its regular analysis and was therefore able to quickly give the all-clear from the technical side: even if the usage behaviour has changed significantly due to home office and lockdowns in various forms, the networks remained stable. Also, in their efforts to expand their networks, the operators could hardly be slowed down. In order to provide optimum protection for the teams that carried out our drive and walk tests, we have also carefully adapted the logistics of our tests.
Peculiar and proven aspects
Despite all the peculiarities, there are also many aspects which have been tried and tested. For example, the great effort we put into determining our test results and ensuring their statistical relevance. The key figures listed below give an impression of this once again this year.
So now: curtains up for the sometimes surprising, sometimes familiar looking results of this year‘s mobile network test!
Indicated are the combined values for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. See the separate values per country under “Methodology“.
All values have been rounded to integer numbers. The internal calculation of points and percentages was based on three decimal places. Intermediate results therefore can slightly deviate from the specified values.