The crowdsourcing results allow a check whether the results from the other categories match the actual customer experience.

Compared to the results from the drivetests and walktests, the results of the crowdsourcing analyses carried out by umlaut only differ to a minor extent. While Magenta is also ahead in this ­analysis, in the crowdsourcing discipline Three follows in second place with a five-point gap to the category winner and A1 in third place with a three-point gap to Three. In this context, however, it should be kept in mind that customers‘ choice
of tariff and device also influence the crowd results.

Three owes its ranking primarily to small leads in the Coverage quality and the Time on Broadband over A1 – the proportion of time with broadband coverage. But the gaps ­here are narrow. In terms of ­Coverage Reach, A1 is again ahead of the two competitors. 

In the crowd-based evaluation of data ­rates, the three Austrian providers are roughly on a tie in the basic internet category, with Three also taking a razor-thin lead here. In the HD video category, Three‘s lead over the second-placed ­provider A1 is even more pronounced, ­and in the most demanding category UHD video, A1 is again ahead of Three and Magenta. 

Magenta leads the latency evaluations in the basic OTT voice services class, followed by Three and then A1, while the Hutchison brand is able to take the lead in the more demanding gaming category, closely followed by Magenta and finally A1.