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In its 28th year, our mobile network test once again stands for maximum objectivity and at the same time the closest possible customer orientation. Once again, connect and its long-standing partner umlaut have closely examined the mobile networks in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
As in other areas of life, almost two years of the pandemic have led to a certain degree of routine in dealing with it: The network analyses carried out throughout the year by our test partner umlaut prove that the mobile networks in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are not only running stably, but have also adapted optimally to the changed usage patterns. So there was no question that we would be able to carry out our network test as usual. In doing so, we protected the teams conducting our drive and walk tests with carefully adjusted logistics.
The new normal also includes 5G
The network operators have also become accustomed to the new normality – which can be observed not least in the fact that their 5G rollouts are proceeding at an undiminished pace. Since last year, the latest mobile technology has been integrated into our test methodology as a natural part. This year, we have dispensed with configuring some of the test smartphones for 4G preference, which we still did last time to be on the safe side. Nevertheless, in each tested country we take a separate look at how well the providers have progressed with the expansion of their 5G networks.
In detail, we, umlaut and connect, have nevertheless further developed the methodology of our great mobile network test in many places. We have once again increased the considerable effort behind the determination of the results at decisive points – the key figures shown below give an impression of this. This way, we ensure that the results reflect both the performance of the networks and the real experience of their users in the best possible way. At the same time, this ensures that the mobile industry still considers our network test to be by far the most relevant assessment of their performance.
But enough of the preface – as the most important question remains, of course, how the race for the best places in the tested countries turned out. We will now reveal that in detail, starting below.
Indicated are the combined values for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. See the separate values per country under “Methodology“.
All values have been rounded to integer numbers. The internal calculation of points and percentages was based on three decimal places. Intermediate results therefore can slightly deviate from the specified values.