active download speeds
The largest share of umlaut‘s scoring (40 percent) is assigned to the maximum download speed of the considered fixed lines. This is achieved by actively initiating measurements which utilise the connections to the max.
When passively observing the data rates of the downloads which are called up by the used applications, the results are depending on the requirements of these applications. As umlaut‘s approach is focused on the actual user experience, this method is of course valid. Still, the evaluation should also take into account the maximum performance of the connection between the user‘s devices and the networks. umlaut achieved this by actively initiating a speed measurement in the background from time of time. As fixed-line contracts typically do not have data contingents, this does not negatively affect the participating users.
the investigated average data rates are highest in the ziggo network,
followed at some distance by T-Mobile and KPN
With 95 percent of the achievable points in this subcategory, Ziggo leads this consideration. T-Mobile (in our tables “TMT“), follows at some distance on the second rank, and KPN on the third. Tele2 users are somewhat lagging behind.
ZIGGO aHEAD in actively determined download rates for 90 percent of the
samples, followed by t-mobile and kpn
The P10 value of a distribution is the value which is surpassed by 90 percent of all samples. Thus it indicates the experience available to most users. In this consideration “across the board“, Ziggo clearly leads the field, followed at some distance by T-Mobile and after that closely by KPN. Tele2 ranks last.
KPN is AHEAD IN the top 10 percent results of the active download
measurements. Particularly good results on KPN‘s fibre lines.
Reciprocally, the P90 value shows the top 10 percent in the results‘ statistical distribution – and thus what can be achieved at the peak. Here, KPN is closely ahead of Ziggo, with T-Mobile following close behind and Tele2 at some distance.
A closer investigation of the data rates shows that KPN scores particularly well on its fibre lines, emphasizing the effects of their recent investments.
In the average and basic 90 percent (P90) aggregrations of the active download data rate measurements, Ziggo leads the field. When focusing on the top 10 percent (P90) value, KPN is closely ahead of Ziggo. T-Mobile achieves the second place in the average and P10 evaluations – there, KPN follows closely at the third rank. Tele2 shows potential for improvement in all aggregations of the active measurements.”
passive download speeds
10 percent of the overall score are derived from the passive measurement of download speeds in the background. This takes into account the performance of applications that users really use in everyday life.
When users are surfing the web, communicating via messaging services or use specific apps, this automatically results in the transmission of data in both directions
– downloads and uploads. Although these data rates are influenced by what requirements the respective apps have, they are a valid representation of the users‘ network experience. In addition, the large number of connections taken into account largely balances out individual user profiles.
KPN leading closely ahead of Ziggo in basic internet speeds
In the “Basic Internet“ speed class, a minimum of 2 Mbps is required – typical data rates for surfing or messaging. In this aggregation, KPN scores slightly ahead of Ziggo and – at a larger distance – T-Mobile and Tele2.
The “HD Video“ class is defined by a minimum data rate of 5 Mbps. Again, in this aggregation KPN scores minimally higher than Ziggo, and at a little more pronounced gap T-Mobile. Tele2 once more shows some potential for improvement.
KPN takes the lead AHEAD OF Ziggo and T-MObile in download data rates
In the “UHD Video“ class, umlaut requires a minimum data rate of 20 Mbps. Again, KPN scores ahead of Ziggo and T-Mobile, each at close distance. This time as well, Tele2 scores a little behind.
ziggo is closely ahead of KPN and T-mobile in the most demanding
highspeed download class
With a minimum requirement of 50 Mbps, “Highspeed“ is the most demanding speed class. Here, Ziggo leads the field at a close gap ahead of KPN and T-Mobile. Tele2 falls a little further behind.
In the passive download assessment, Ziggo and KPN are on a par and leading the field. In the basic speed class, requiring a minimum of
2 Mbps, the “HD Video“ class (minimum 5 Mbps), and the
“UHD Video“ class (minimum 20 Mbps), KPN leads the field. In the highest requirement class, “Highspeed“, Ziggo scores best, closely followed by KPN and
T-Mobile. In each of the aggregations, Tele2 shows
potential for improvements.”
passive UPload speeds
The passively observed upload data rates contribute 25 percent to the total score. This is particularly relevant for users who regularly send large amounts of data into the net or to other users.
Network access targeted at private customers, generally prioritizes downloads over uploads. This is based on the expectation that users overall retrieve much more data from the net than they send back themselves. And it is the reason why in typical consumer lines, the download bandwidth is usually much higher than the possible upload data rates. While this is justified in most cases, it can lead to bottle necks when users want to send large amounts of data such as photos, videos or large files. Thus, the upload measurements are also an important aspect of evaluating fixed-lines. As the available data rates are gegenerally more limited in this category, noteworthy shares of the evaluated samples are only achieved in the speed classes below 20 Mpbs.
ziggos leads ahead of KPN in
Basic internet upload speed class
In the “Basic Internet“ speed class, which requires upload data rates of at least 2 Mbps, Ziggo achieves the highest number of samples fulfilling this requirement. KPN follows at a close gap, while the distance over T-Mobile is a little more distinct. Tele2 ranks last, but its gap to the third-ranking contender is smaller than in other categories of this benchmark.
ZIGGO is ALSO ahead of KPN and T-Mobile in HD Video upload speeds
More or less the same that in the “Basic Internet“ speed class also applies to the speed class above it, “HD Video“. Again, Ziggo leads the field, at a small but noticeable gap ahead of KPN. T-Mobile ranks third and Tele2 fourth – but this time the gap between the third and the second rank is a little smaller, while the distance between the third and the fourth ranking contenders becomes a little more pronounced.
It is particularly the upload category in which Ziggo makes its overall victory clear. In both considered speed classes, the lead of this operator is undisputed.
In both cases, KPN follows at close distance, and T-Mobile at a more distinct gap. The distance of Tele2 to the rest of the field is somewhat less pronounced than in the download category – which can be explained by the generally lower upload bandwidths.”
Depending on the applications, the latency or reaction time of data transfers becomes increasingly more important. Thus, umlaut‘s assessment of this value contributes 25 percent to the overall score.
The latencies or reaction times of data transfers influence the user experience to a large extent. Even when using OTT (over the top) services such as telephony or interactive media, a too pronounced lag has an disturbing effect. This becomes even more relevant when it comes to gaming – when ultrafast reactions are required, the technical latency of a player‘s connection can make all the difference. For the crowd-based assessment, umlaut actively initiates latency investigations – they are carried out in direct succession afte the active download measurements.
KPN closely wins neck and neck race for
In the lowest determined latency class, “OTT Voice“ (up to 100 ms), KPN, T-Mobile and Ziggo score extremely close together. KPN wins this neck and neck race, followed by T-Mobile and Ziggo – each at a thin margin of 0.2%. The gap of Tele2 is more pronounced.
T-Mobile leads latencies category in standard Gaming class
at razor thin margin ahead of KPN
umlaut defines the “Standard Gaming“ class as samples with a latency of up to 50 ms. Here, T-Mobile leads by a razor thin margin of just 0.1% ahead of KPN. The gap to Ziggo is a little wider and the distance between Ziggo and Tele2 a little more distinct.
“Highend Gaming“ such as ultra fast action games require latencies of 20 ms and below. In this category of umlaut‘s latency evaluations, KPN and T-Mobile are on a par, with Ziggo and Tele2 each following at not much distance.
In the latency assessment, KPN and T-Mobile are on a par and leading, with Ziggo following. In the “OTT Voice“ class, KPN leads closely ahead of T-Mobile and Ziggo – with a thin margin of 0.2% between each of them. In the “Standard Gaming“ class, T-Mobile is ahead of KPN by just 0.1%, followed by Ziggo. In “Highend Gaming“, KPN and
T-Mobile are on a par, ahead of Ziggo. The gaps to Tele2 are existant, but smaller than observed in the download categories.”
In addition to the nationwide assessment, umlaut has also evaluated the local results achieved in the
larger of the Dutch provinces. With these analyses, inhabitants of the included parts of the country can
check which operator may locally be the best choice.
umlaut‘s crowdsourcing methodology allows to take smaller local
entities under the magnifying glass. This was executed for the larger of the Dutch provinces. However, to ensure statistical robustness, the following evaluations had to be limited to provinces with at least one million inhabitants. This is why provinces such as Drenthe, Friesland, Groningen or Zeeland could not be part of these even more detailed analyses.
In Gelderland, Noord-Holland and Utrecht, with scors of or above 950 points, Ziggo even achieves the seldomly awarded grade “outstanding“. KPN is overall very good in these three provinces. Also, in all three of them, Tele2 manages to outscore its parent company T-Mobile – mostly due to strong results in the active download category.
In Limburg, KPN manages to outscore Ziggo due to strong upload results – and is also awarded the rare grade “outstanding“. Ziggo ranks second, followed at some distance by T-Mobile. In this province, Tele2 only achieves the grade “satisfactory“, as it loses valuable points in all data rate categories.
Overijssel: “Outstanding“ T-Mobile is local champion,
aheaD of KPN and Caiway
In Overijssel, T-Mobile is not only awarded the highest score, but also achieves the grade “outstanding“. Ziggo ranks second. The third rank is achieved by the local fixed-net operator Caiway, which for reasons of statistical robustness was only taken into account in Overijssel as well as in Zuid-Holland. In Overijssel, KPN ranks fourth – but still with a very good results, the same as Ziggo and Caiway.
In Zuid-Holland, the local operator Caiway even leads the field – mostly due to very good upload results. Caiway is closely followed by Ziggo and KPN. Here, T-Mobile ranks fourth – but all four operators deservedly receive the grade “very good“.